From Trash to Terrific: A Lesson on Change
Sometimes, we get so caught up in the business side of our lives that we forget that we started this site and our company to teach people about the vital role that insects and spiders play in the world. We want to inspire a love of creatures that people often think of as dirty that actually do a lot of dirty work for us. Bugs are the recyclers, regenerators, pest control operators, sewage workers and trash collectors of the world. We were reminded of our mission by a very talented and creative artist named Kricket. We met Kricket at the Earth Day celebration in Portland. She was crawling around on all fours, inside a huge, handmade caterpillar puppet. Naturally we needed a photo of The Bug Chicks with her incredible insect creation.
Posing with the incrdible caterpillar puppet by Kricket!
We got to talking and realized we have lots in common; an interest in science and teaching and getting people involved in actions that help make the planet a healthier place for all organisms. The special thing about Kricket's puppets is that they are made out of trash. She collects materials and doesn't throw anything away, she just finds a way to make them into something new and beautiful and bizarre. Like her puppets. She is a recycler, just like some of our favorite insects.
It glows. It rocks.
We'd like to highlight one puppet here that has nothing to do with bugs, but it MUST be talked about. Kricket and a few volunteers walked along the Oregon coast last year and collected bags and bags of trash. Out of the rubbish that people threw into the water and onto the beach- the cups, plastic bottles, styrofoam take out containers, and foam peanuts- she created a beautiful sea turtle puppet. It's four feet long and impeccably constructed. To see all of the steps involved in creating the puppet click here.
From trash…
Kricket's incredible puppet is made of the very trash that threatens sea turtles everyday. Turtles will often eat plastics of all sizes. Plastic bags mimic the transparency and movement of jellyfish, one of their favorite foods. Trash in the ocean eventually becomes trash on the shore. It affects all of us: animals (insects are animals too), plants and people.
…to treasure.
The turtle puppet spoke to us specifically because Robert Reddick (my father) was one of the FedEx drivers who drove hatchling sea turtles from the Gulf Coast to the Atlantic Coast after the oil spill last year. He said it was one of the proudest moments of his life- to be involved in the turtle rescue. When people work to affect positive change, that energy resonates and strikes a chord with others. It makes you want to do more.
Bug Chick Kristie’s awesome dad who drove sea turtles and eggs to a new oil-free home. (Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times/MCT)
Everyone can create change in their own way, using their own talents. No matter how small or insignificant you feel, you can do something to better the planet. Positive change is in the actions of people. It's a daddy who drives baby turtles to a safe beach. It's an artist who shapes trash into treasure to educate about reducing waste. It's two bug scientists who champion the six- and eight-legged underdogs. And it can be you.
For more on Kricket's amazing puppets check out her website:
For more info on the Sea Turtle rescue effort and current news go here: