What if we taught it that way?
Teachers are using this…
integrated into science lessons as a STEM addition
as a Homeroom “check in” to start the week
to highlight NGSS Cross-Cutting Concepts
in partnership with Guidance Counselors
as Capstone projects
in Life Skills classes as an SEL addition
in after school clubs and with student leadership
used as a “get to know you” exercise
What’s included?
This curriculum provides 10 video and PPT lessons that focus on the biology and survival strategies of arthropods. Each lesson has Reflection Questions that can be answered individually or as a group to allow for concept connections. The lessons are NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and CASEL (Collaborative on Academic Social and Emotional Learning) matched for grades 4-12. Each lesson has Further Investigations to allow for deeper science learning. There are a TON of great resources (entomology glossary, Facilitation tips for group discussions) and a Final Media Arts Project that ties the unit together. Wrap it up with an Assessment that utilizes Harvard’s Visible Thinking Routine to measure student transformation!
Evidence-based & Award-winning
In 2021, the DIFFERENT curriculum received the inaugural Science Communication Award (First Place) from the Entomological Society of America.
In 2021, in collaboration with Erin Ingram of UNL’s Science Literacy Center and Gwen Pearson of Purdue University, we published a paper “Making Space for Social and Emotional Learning in Science Education” that looked at a pilot program running the DIFFERENT curriculum with 100 6-8th graders and its efficacy in positively shifting mindsets on arthropods and personal capability.

Actual Student Responses
Real Scientists. Professional Educators.
We help students feel that they are capable of anything- and we use bugs to do it! Kristie Reddick and Jessica Honaker (The Bug Chicks) are entomologists and sci-comm professionals who use the science of entomology to inspire students to foster empathy for themselves, others and the natural world. We blend STEM & SEL with video, live bug interactions and college/career mentoring while sharing our stories of travel, research and adventure. Our work is transformational, award-winning and evidence-based.
Interested in the DIFFERENT curriculum or have further questions? Get in touch! We would love to hear from you.