Costa Rica Expedition
Catching some zzzzs before our red-eye flight to Costa Rica.
By the time you read this, we will be on a plane to Costa Rica. We are filming the second installment of our insect order videos for Texas A&M University's awesome class, Insects and Human Society. Since the insects won't be buzzing around for a couple of months yet here in Oregon, we decided to go to them. Luckily, we had two plane tickets that we needed to use this year. What are two Bug Chicks to do?
Costa Rica is a small country (about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire together) with a baffling amount of species biodiversity. It's estimated that there are about 500,000 species of plant and animal which equals about 4% of the world's species. Its close proximity to the equator makes it a great place to find insects all year round with plenty of warmth and humidity, even in the dry season.
We will be staying at the Texas A&M University Soltis Center near La Fortuna, Costa Rica. It's in the heart of the cloud forest and near the Arenal Volcano. We are so excited about all of the incredible insects, spiders, mammals, birds and reptiles we might see that we thought it would be a great excuse to try out our Pinterest account.
We made a board of some of the cool animals we're hoping to film with a few notes about them. It was dangerous because we wanted to put 100 pictures up. Instead, we started our board with 8 pics and we invite you to tell us what you think we should try and see while in Costa Rica. Have a favorite place? Let us know in the comments. Did you see an incredible animal? Share your story.
Next week we'll have some incredible things to show you from our expedition. Until then, click here:
We will be checking our comments and we will add pictures to our board throughout the week.